You have been asked to play test an alpha build of a game called C'thulu's Prison by an odd game dev named Randolph. 

As you begin to play what appears to be a simple top down shooter... it begins to be clear... things are not as they seem. 

  • GAMECONTROLS:  Basic Mouse Input


Kyle Hodge and Anthony Jones. 

This was done for the Mini Jame Gam #16 which was a 3 day game Jam!

We made pretty much everything except for a few VFX, and the Music. Everything else was hand crafted. 

It took us roughly 25 hours start to finish to work on this. We started Saturday morning 10pst. This was not a great idea hahaha since we have not slept. But was def a great learning experience. 

There will MOST certainly be bugs since we tried to hit that dead line and we were VERY ambitious! But we do plan to polish a little bit more after the Jam. And I hope people enjoy the experience none the less.  

Thanks for playing :D
Kyle and AJ

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